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5 Tips for Overcoming Dental Anxiety

General DentistryHealth Tips

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Just thinking about a dentist’s appointment can make even the bravest person feel scared. Dental anxiety is increasingly common across the UK, with certain studies claiming that as many as 53% of the population are afraid of visiting the dentist. The noise of the drill, the smell of the dentist’s office, and sitting in the chair can be very stressful. This is known as dental anxiety, a common fear that affects millions of people. However, attending your annual dental check-up is not only vital for your oral health, but can also be essential for spotting any signs of serious or underlying health issues.

But what if you could overcome this fear and go to the dentist feeling calm and confident? It’s possible, and it’s not just about finding a kind dentist or a nice waiting room. In this post, we’ll go deeper and share expert tips and techniques to help you beat dental anxiety for good. This will help you take control of your dental health and smile with confidence.


Did you know

  • Did you know that approximately 36% of the UK population suffers from moderate dental anxiety, while about 12% experience extreme dental fear. (Source)
  • Did you know that young adults (18-34 years old) report higher levels of dental anxiety compared to older age groups. (Source)
  • Did you know that the sound of the drill and the smell of the dental clinic are frequently cited as anxiety triggers. (Source)
  • Did you know that many UK dentists offer sedation options and behavioral management techniques to help anxious patients. (Source)

The Reality of Dental Anxiety: You’re Not Alone

Just hearing about a dental appointment can make many people feel scared and anxious. If you feel this way, you’re not alone. Dental anxiety, also called dinophobia, affects millions of people around the world. This fear can range from feeling a bit uneasy to having a full panic attack. For some, the idea of sitting in the dentist’s chair can be too much, bringing up feelings of vulnerability, loss of control, and even past bad experiences. Worrying about pain, discomfort, and the unknown can be overwhelming, leading many to avoid the dentist. This avoidance can harm your oral health. But there’s good news: you’re not alone, and there are ways to beat dental anxiety. By understanding this fear and getting help, you can start your journey to better dental health and a happier life.

If you’re due a check-up soon, but the thought of a trip to the dentist is leaving you feeling anxious, Dr Smita Mehra, BDS MFGDPRCS, Principal Dentist here at The Neem Tree Dental Practice shares some guidance on how to overcome dental anxiety.

Deep breathing

    When you visit the dentist, your breathing might become shallow and quick, which can increase feelings of stress. To counter this, take a few minutes when you sit in the dentist’s chair to get comfortable and focus on your breathing. Breathe gently in and out through your nose, keeping your upper chest and shoulders still. This helps you breathe deeply using your diaphragm, filling your lungs fully and calming your nervous system.

    Sitting upright for as long as possible, ideally with your feet on the ground (maybe on a normal chair), can help you feel more in control. The dentist can talk to you while you’re in this position, making you feel more at ease.

    Visit the dentist ahead of your check-up or treatment

    Overcoming your dental anxiety can start by finding a dentist you feel comfortable with. When choosing a new dentist, let them know about your anxiety and ask if you can book a meeting before any check-up or treatment.

    This way, you can get used to the environment, meet the dentist, and discuss what will happen at your upcoming appointment. This helps you feel more prepared and aware of what to expect.

    Bring something to distract you

      Anxiety at the dentist can often be triggered by the different unpleasant sounds that come from the equipment, from buzzing to drilling. If you find that the sounds at the dentist make you feel uncomfortable, try taking some headphones with you to listen to some music and cancel out any external sound. If you’d feel more comfortable being oblivious to what treatment is happening at the dentist, you could also take a smartphone with you, to watch an episode of your favourite show, or sit and scroll social media.

      Agree on a stop signal

        Whether it’s a visit to the hygienist or you’re having a filling, some procedures can be more anxiety-inducing than others. To help you feel more in control of the situation, you can agree on a stop signal between you and your dentist.

        This can be as simple as raising your hand for them to stop, but it will make you feel more in control of the situation and ease any feelings of stress and worry.

        Have something to look forward to after the dentist

          If you have dental anxiety, you’re likely to associate a trip to the dentist as a negative and unnerving experience. Try to rewrite this narrative in your head by having something fun or exciting to look forward to after the dentist.

          This can be meeting a friend for lunch, a solo shopping trip, or something as simple as taking yourself for a coffee to relax afterward.

          The Consequences of Avoiding the Dentist

          Avoiding the dentist because of dental anxiety can seriously harm your health and wellbeing. It’s not just about having a nice smile; skipping regular dental check-ups can lead to bigger problems that affect your daily life.

          Ignoring dental issues can result in painful and expensive problems like gum disease, abscesses, and even losing teeth. There’s also a strong connection between oral health and overall health. For example, gum disease has been linked to heart disease, diabetes, and some types of cancer.

          Not going to the dentist can also hurt your self-confidence, making it hard to eat, talk, and socialise. The emotional impact of dental anxiety can be severe, leading to feelings of anxiety, depression, and isolation.

          By facing and overcoming dental anxiety, you can break the cycle of fear and neglect. Taking control of your oral health will improve not just your dental health but also your overall wellbeing, confidence, and quality of life.

          Overall, going to the dentist shouldn’t be an anxiety-inducing experience, you’re in the best hands and should take comfort in knowing that dental care is more comfortable and safer than ever before for several reasons:

          • Comfortable procedures: Advanced dental technology means that procedures are quicker, more efficient, and less invasive than ever before. Modern tools and techniques have been designed to make dental visits more comfortable for patients.
          • Effective pain relief: If you are undergoing any treatment at the dentist, you are likely to be offered anaesthesia or other pain management options to minimise any discomfort and keep you feeling comfortable.
          • Expert care: Whether you’re just heading in for a check-up or you’re experiencing dental issues, at the dentist, you’re in the best hands. Dentists are skilled professionals who can tend to various dental needs and ensure your oral health is taken care of.
          • Preventive care: Attending regular check-ups will catch any issues early, preventing any problems from developing and requiring more invasive treatment. Instead, preventative measures can be taken at the dentist to manage your oral health.

          With these expert tips, you’re now equipped to tackle dental anxiety head-on and transform your visits to the dentist from daunting to empowering. Say goodbye to the sweaty palms, racing heart, and sleepless nights, and hello to a stress-free, healthy smile. By incorporating these innovative strategies into your dental care routine, you’ll be flashing a confident grin in no time. Remember, a healthy smile is just the beginning – it’s a gateway to a happier, healthier you. So, take a deep breath, schedule that appointment, and let the anxiety-melting magic begin!