How may we help you today?
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- Dentures
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- Dental Crowns
- Wisdom Tooth Extraction
- Mouthguards
- Root Canal Treatment
- Tooth Fillings
- Tooth Extraction
- Dental Examination
- Family Dentistry
- Pregnancy Hygiene
- Dental Care for Babies
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- Children’s Dental Care
- Cosmetic Dentistry
- Composite Bonding
- Smile Makeover
- Dental Bridges
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- Home Teeth Whitening
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- Smokers Stain Removal
- Tooth Stain Removal
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- Implants
- All-on-4 Dental Implants
- Full Arch Restoration
- Bone Grafting
- Dental Implants
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- Pinhole Gum Surgery
- Crown Lengthening Surgery
- Root Surface Debridement
- Gum Grafting
Children’s Dental Care

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- Calming environment
- Treatment and education
- Experienced with children
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Children’s dental care is important from the moment their first tooth appears. It is important to bring your child to the dentist early so their teeth and gums can be examined and so they get used to the sights and smells of a dental practice early on.

A word from Dr Smita Mehra, Principal Dentist
We use a combination of specialized training, a child-friendly approach, and a welcoming environment, to ensure that children of all ages feel comfortable, safe and cared-for in our practices.
From brushing their first tooth to bringing them to the dentist for the first time, we are here for you and your child every step of the way.
Babies should be going to the dentist soon after their first tooth appears. A baby’s front four teeth normally come through at around 6 months. This may seem early, but as soon as a baby has teeth, they are also able to get cavities.
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“My Husband and I took our 6 year old there. From the receptionist to the Dentist and his dental assistant. The service was 100 Stars!!! AMAZING!!! and so child friendly.”
We at the Neem Tree aim to provide the best possible children’s dentistry services for you and your loved ones.
Children’s Dental Care at the Neem Tree
We are a family-run practice who take great care and attention to ensure all our patients are treated comfortably and painlessly. At the Neem Tree we advise parents to bring their children to the dentist regularly, as often as your dentist recommends.
Taking your infant to the dentist may be a daunting task but at Neem Tree we will make sure to make your child feel comfortable and at ease. We focus on helping your child get used to the dental practice environment and building their confidence in coming to the dentist. Having orthodontic examinations and screens are particularly important for children aged 11 years onward.
Book an Appointment in Esher or Wandsworth
The Neem Tree
Wandsworth Dental Practice
515 Old York Rd, Wandsworth, London, SW18 1TF
Call: 02088 700 030
Email: [email protected]
The Neem Tree
Esher Dental Practice
138 High Street, Esher, KT10 9QJ
Call: 01372 464 000
Email: [email protected]
Fee Guide
Children’s (years 1-11) Dental Health Check-up | from £45 |
Babies (up to 12 months) Check-up | Free (Parent must be registered patient) |
Children’s Dental Care (up to age 12) | £79 |
Children’s Dental Care FAQs
When should I first bring my baby to the dentist?
Most dental experts recommend that you should take your child to the dentist within 6 months of their first tooth erupting or if they start teething late it would still be a good idea to bring them in within the first year of after their birth.
By this time, the dentist can assess your baby’s mouth for baby bottle decay, teething, as well as their finger-sucking and pacifier habits.
At the first visit, give the dentist your child’s complete health history. The initial appointment is usually just a cursory assessment of your child’s overall oral health and mostly to help your child feel comfortable with the dentist. This first visit will usually last between 30 to 45 minutes.
Just like adults, children should visit the dentist every 6 months. Some dentists may recommend to schedule visits more often such as every 3 months in order to build up the child’s comfort and confidence. Dentists often recommend for you to take your children with you to your own appointments to get them used to the dentist in hopes that it will make them less afraid.
What happens at my baby’s first dentist appointment?
Protect your child’s teeth by starting dental checkups early. Depending on your child’s age, they should have their first dentist appointment when their first milk teeth appear. This will allow for our dentists to examine any kind of early baby bottle decay and identify any oral health problems at an early stage. The most important part of bringing your child to their first appointment is getting them comfortable with the dentist.
When you visit the dentist it is important to be positive about it with your child and make the trip fun. Our dentists are trained to create a positive and fun atmosphere for children. We insist that we make our practice the most comfortable place for children to have fun with their oral hygiene and not to worry about future visits.
To find our more about what happens at your baby’s dental appointment, contact our practices in Wandsworth, South West London or Esher, Surrey.
When do babies start to teeth?
All babies begin to teeth at different ages. Some babies are actually born with their first teeth whereas others start teething between 4 to 6 months and some after 12 months. Do not be worried if your child starts teething either late or early. After 12 months, even if your baby’s teeth have not yet erupted, it would be a good idea to book a dentist appointment just for an assessment of your child’s oral health.
My baby is teething – what should I do?
Baby teeth normally start erupting at around 6 months and the teething pains can be quite distressing for mother and baby. Teething rings and gels can help sooth your baby’s pain and occasionally pain killers may be required. If this is the case, always follow the instructions that come with the medicine and if you are ever unsure contact your GP, Dentist or Pharmacist.
Contact us today to find out more about dental care for babies from our practices in Wandsworth, South West London or Esher, Surrey.
Do dummies and thumb sucking damage babies’ teeth?
If it is possible, avoid using dummies and allowing thumb sucking. Giving a baby a pacifier or thumb sucking while they are still babies and not started teething yet, will not harm your baby’s teeth but they will encourage an open bite when they begin teething, which is when the teeth move to make space for the dummy or thumb. If they are used for a persistent amount of time, they can affect the positioning and structure of teeth later on in life. That will also affect their speech development. This is why you should avoid using dummies after your child reaches 12 months old.
There are some ‘orthodontic’ dummies that can reduce the risk of developing such problems and can be used as an alternative.
To find out more about keeping your baby’s teeth and gums healthy in Wandsworth, South West London or Esher, Surrey, contact us today to book an appointment.
What are neonatal teeth?
Some babies are born with teeth, these are known and neonatal teeth. They are present at birth and are not permanent. They are considered as ‘extra’ teeth. They usually do not cause any dental health problems for your baby but may make breastfeeding difficult and might be painful.
These neonatal teeth usually fall out on their own but if they prove to be a persistent problem, it would be worth contacting your midwife or dentist to get some extra advice on what to do.
Contact us today to learn more about your baby’s dental health from our practices in Wandsworth, South West London or Esher, Surrey.
When should I start brushing my baby’s teeth?
As soon as you see your baby’s teeth emerging, you can start to brush your baby’s teeth. Use a baby toothbrush with a tiny smear of child-friendly fluoride toothpaste.
To learn more about how to keep your baby’s teeth healthy, including brushing instructions, contact our practices.
Should you brush baby teeth?
Cleaning your babies teeth should be done as soon as they start to erupt. A pea sized amount of child-friendly fluoride toothpaste should be used the last thing before bed and once in the morning. Encouraging them to get into good habits from an early age is beneficial, so get them involved too!
Does milk damage a baby’s teeth?
Milk is a great source of calcium for your growing baby that also makes their teeth strong and healthy. Breast milk is the best food for babies containing all the extra nutrients your baby needs. Breast milk substitutes given through a bottle can contain sugars, so it is important to clean your baby’s teeth afterwards. Natural sugars are also present in natural breast milk but are unlikely to be harmful to your baby’s teeth as long as they are kept clean.
All types of milk can cause cavities if they are inappropriately consumed. For example, cavities on the upper front teeth can develop if a baby with teeth is put to bed with the bottle of milk in their mouth.
Is mouthwash safe for babies?
Mouthwash is not safe for babies. Alcohol-free mouthwash is safe for children in small quantities however should not be consumed by any child under the age of six.
How to clean your baby’s teeth
You can start cleaning your baby’s teeth by using a small soft toothbrush and water. Even if your baby’s teeth haven’t erupted, it’s good to clean those gums and get your baby used to the routine of cleaning their mouth. At 18 months, you should start to use a pea sized amount of low-fluoride toothpaste to brush your child’s teeth.
It is important to encourage your child to spit out the toothpaste but be sure not to rinse after. Be sure to clean all surfaces of the present teeth and gums twice a day, after breakfast and before bed.
When should you brush your baby’s teeth?
You should start cleaning your baby’s teeth as soon as they start to erupt. Use a pea sized amount of child-friendly fluoride toothpaste with a soft bristled children’s toothbrush. You should brush their teeth right before they go to bed at night and once in the morning. Starting this routine from a very young age will help get your child into good oral hygiene habits from an early age, so get them involved too!
Making brushing fun will encourage your kids to want to brush their teeth rather than see it as a chore they would rather not do.
Is fluoride toothpaste safe for babies and toddlers?
Before a baby’s teeth come in, you can help remove bacteria from their mouths by wiping their mouth with a soft cloth.
When milk teeth are still beginning to emerge, fluoride toothpaste helps the enamel to develop so that it becomes as hard as it needs to be in order to resist cavities and decay. Babies only need a very small smear of toothpaste, no more than a grain of rice to begin with.
To minimise the risk of swallowing the toothpaste, try angling your baby’s head slightly downwards so any extra toothpaste will dribble out of their mouth. It is okay if your baby or toddler does swallow a small amount of toothpaste. As long as you are using the recommended amount of toothpaste, you should not be worried.
Baby bottle decay
Tooth decay that sometimes occurs in infants and children which is often caused by liquids given to them clinging to the teeth for long periods.
Eruption is when a tooth breaks through the gum to appear visibly in the mouth.
Primary teeth
Primary teeth are also known as baby teeth. The first set of 20 temporary teeth that usually fall out individually between the ages of 6 and 12.
Permanent teeth
The teeth that replace primary/baby teeth. Usually all adults will have 32 adult teeth in a complete dentition.